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Califa Products and News! A place for staff of Califa member libraries to keep up with our latest news and offerings. Monday, April 20, 2015. Vendors want you to spread the word about their databases and many of them provide all kinds of promotional items to help you do just that. Gale has a program called Gale ProMo. Which provides libraries with free custom promotional materials such as bookmarks, posters, and tent cards. To sign in, you must type in your Username and Password.
Say hello to our new online catalog! PLS is happy to introduce our new interactive library catalog that incorporates social networking and web 2. Please Select Your Home Library To Begin Using Our New Catalog Today! Choose a Library -.
Cellphone 650 - 200 - 9211. I often explore their intertwinings. Roughly weekly, so if you want to check regularly for new items, every Monday or Tuesday you ought to find something. Please also enjoy my previously-published articles posted here.
Peninsulia Library System
Peninsulia Library System
2471 Flores St
SAN MATEO, California, 94403
Blogcz, Tvoje webová stránka. Požadovaný blog byl dočasně pozastaven správcem systému. Zveřejňuje obsah, jehož není autorem. Nebo nebyl autorem oprávněn zveřejnit, např. texty nebo obrázky stažené z cizích stránek;. Například zveřejňuje odkazy na nelegální software nebo nahrávky, nalézající se na jiných stránkách;. Na svém blogu zveřejňuje zakázaný obsah.
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